
SEO Tips and Tricks

Search Engine Optimization, often referred to as SEO, is critical for any website to gain traction on search results and grow organic traffic to your brand. 

Here are our top tips on how to grow your SEO and bring greater optimization to your company.

Recently, our team attended a digital marketing summit packed with tips for increasing your SEO, where we learned you can head to to check your website for essentials and major elements that impact SEO. 

Research Keywords

Keywords can vary by industry, by month, by year and a number of other factors. Is your piece seasonal? Is it about a trending topic? Looking up basic keywords to implement throughout your website, blog and social media is a good habit to get into. Keywords make your website and content more searchable, which will continually improve SEO over time. 

Produce Fresh Content

Content is king when it comes to having healthy SEO, and quality is more important than quantity. Having content calendars, social media updates, blogs and more can all improve your SEO. The content plan strategy should have multiple goals, including rankings, education and to get optimal engagement. The key to this is to consistently produce – whether it’s monthly, weekly or daily, make sure you are integrating ownable content branded to your company into the mix. 

Track Results and Adapt

Implement a program such as built-in web analytics or Google Analytics to track how people are reacting to different internal website pages. Are they staying on the page long enough to read content? Exiting instantly? By seeing how your audience reacts to different topics and formats, you can adapt future content to better suit your clientele’s interests. Review the top 5-10 pages for the following to get started: title tag, meta description, body text and keyword density. With these in place, it’ll be easier to track results accurately. 

Link To Other Sites (And Allow Trustworthy Sites To Link To Yours)

Linking to other sites (that are relevant and trustworthy) and allowing others to link back to yours is a good way to increase SEO, searchability and bring in more traffic. Using content from other sites, and having other sites link back to yours, creates a network that is beneficial for optimization. Good content leads to more shares, which leads to more links back to your site. 

Do you have questions about how to increase your SEO? Contact Moxie Consulting today.