
Why Now is The Time to Double Down on Marketing Efforts

As everyone adheres to shelter in place guidelines, now may seem like a challenging time to grow business. With clients and prospects spending more time online at home, however, now is an ideal time to focus energy on marketing efforts to grow your audience for when the economy begins to return to normal. 

With more eyes focused on social media, efforts such as Facebook live videos, online webinars, increasing social media content and more can help build your audience in the presence while preparing your business for the future. 

Here are five ways that you can work on your marketing efforts now:


  • Incorporate more videos


Videos perform well on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram and are a great way to get     the attention of your fans and gain new followers. With platforms like Animoto or even just using your smartphone, putting together a simple video for social media has never been easier – or less time consuming. Ideas for videos can include a series of industry tips, talking about upcoming events, recaps of classes your company has going on, or promotions for upcoming items. 


  • Post regularly 


Have you been posting regularly? If the answer is yes, now is the time to keep up those efforts. If the answer is no, now is the perfect time to get in the habit. With ownable content, such as graphics or business-specific events or classes, and relevant industry news and updates, you should have enough content to easily post several times a week. Posting regularly helps improve your organic reach in social media algorithms and gives you a better chance of finding and retaining followers.


  • Start (or improve) your blog presence


Whether you have a blog or are considering starting one, use this extra time to consider how a blog can impact your business. A blog is a great place to share company updates, such as new leadership or employees, policies, industry tips, features on charity work and more. Blogs help give your company a personality and help clients and prospects get to know you and your work on a deeper level. 


  • Evaluate your social platforms


Taking stock of and evaluating your existing social media presence is an important step to doubling down on your marketing efforts. Go through every platform and make sure all logos, hours and contact details are up to date. Make sure you are using all platforms that help your business have the appropriate impact – Moxie’s big 3 are Facebook, LinedIn and Instagram. If you have trouble using any of these, there are lots of free webinars available, along with low cost online classes on sites such as Udemy.  


  • Email marketing campaigns 


Email marketing is a relatively simple and effective way to stay in touch with clients, past clients and prospects throughout the year. It is also one of the most cost effective ways to communicate with your entire audience. Whether you think a quarterly, monthly or weekly update would be most relevant to your audience, email marketing is an extremely practical way to inform your audience of business and policy updates, classes, events, and more. 

If you have any questions about how to improve your marketing during this time, don’t hesitate to contact Moxie Consulting!